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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

PDF Annotator v5.0.0.504 Full Crack

PDF Annotator v5.0.0.504 Full Crack
PDF Annotator Full Crack
PDF Annotator merupakan software yang berguna untuk menambah kata-kata pada file PDF anda agar file PDF tersebut lebih mudah dipahami. Dengan PDF Annotator ini, anda dapat dengan mudah menambah kata-kata pada file PDF yang kemudian bsa anda simpan dalam bentuk file PDF lagi. Software dapat mempermudah pekerjaan bagi anda yang suka edit-mengedit file PDF.

Main Features :

Annotation Manager in the Sidebar​
• Get a quick overview of all annotations in a document.
• Navigate to any annotations quickly.
• Perform operations on any selection of annotations.

Filter Annotations​
• Only display a filtered subset of your annotations in the new Annotations sidebar.
• Filter by type, color, or page number.

Print Annotations Overviews​
• Print a detailed list with small previews of every single annotation in a document.
• Print an overview only outlining the pages containing annotations.

PDF Annotator v5.0.0.504 Full Crack Download Free

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